The advanced security and microelectronics industries aremeet to take stock.
Montreal, December 18
About twenty organizations gathered to announce the holding of a international..
Worldwide,cybercrime is considered one of the risksmost likely to strike organizations duringover the next 10 years.Cyber attacks have become an integral partin the life of private companies and public administrations.
(a) A new threatWhen Iranian centrifuges were destroyed in 2010 by anonymous hackers, the nature of cybersecurity changed: from now on, it is no longer just a question
On the occasion of the i-Canada summit organized as a opening at the WCIT-2012 congress,our colleague Huguette Guilhaumon received the medal Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee..
Survey of Cybersecurity in Canadian Manufacturing and Critical Infrastructure
Only 60 per cent of respondents said their firm had a written cyber security program.
The embedded systems industry in Quebec and Canadais in full development.The CATA Alliance estimates that Quebec has about19,000 people working in the field..