The challenges of cybersecurity in Morocco

The challenges of cybersecurity in Morocco

(Study carried out by Sciencetech on behalf of Dataprotect)

Worldwide,cybercrime is considered one of the risksmost likely to strike organizations duringover the next 10 years.Cyber ​​attacks have become an integral partin the life of private companies and public administrations.

In Morocco,the vast majority of organizations are awarethe importance of cybersecurity:84% of them have developed acybersecurity,86% offer training orawareness among their employees and 86% adopted one orseveral safety standards (law 09-08,ISO 27001, DNSSI, etc.).

On the other hand,the deployment of measures likely to counteractthe threat lags behind:63% of organizations have two or fewer employees assigned tocybersecurity,62% of organizations invest less than a milliondirhams per year in cybersecurity (i.e. 90,000 EUR orstill 105,000 USD) and only 45% plan to increasethis amount during the year 2018.

This 69-page report + 29 tables, includes:

  • A brief overview of Morocco’s cybersecurity situation at the international level;
  • Size and nature of private and public organizations that responded to the survey;
  • An in-depth analysis of the governance of cybersecurity in Morocco;
  • A census of the main technologies used in organizations;
  • An inventory of standardization: main standards adopted by organizations, compliance measures put in place, etc.
  • An assessment of cybersecurity investments made in Morocco with short-term forecast.

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